Isn't it a little weird that "you've never experienced trauma!" is an insult meant to invalidate your perspective, given that a popular position these days is that everyone has experienced trauma which is causing them to behave in ways that are perverted relative to reality?

If someone doesn't have any trauma around men (which I don't, and I know how rare this is because of the work that I do, but I also know how much conditioning towards trauma there has been such that women are primed to absorb it, rather than what we were raised with, which was, basically, pardon me but, "fuck off asshole and find someone else to bother"), should that person's perspective be considered *healthier,* and therefore offer *more* clarity about reality?

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I experienced child abuse at the hands of both parents but both at my mother’s behest. I also had my fair share of bad experiences dating since I did my fair share of that. But I tend to direct my angst at the individuals responsible and like you said, pick better, give him the boot, etc.

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To your overarching point, we now no longer follow those who show a level of mastery. We follow the bozos trying to figure shit out and still mucking up their own lives (and society at large).

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Those Quixotic men who tilt at the windmills of madness drive me crazy. I suppose they speak and act to gain the approval of women. As recently as 10 years ago, a high school classmate replied to one of my posts explaining the real pay gap between the sexes in this country. He said, and I quote, "I will fight to the death to right this wrong." Uh, no you won't.

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If there is any real price to pay, these “men” show their empty pockets.

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