“The bear is more predictable.”
“You don’t understand the point of the question.”
“You are uncompassionate.”
“You have internalized misogyny.”
“You’ve never experienced trauma, and it shows.”
“Remove the bear from the equation and what’s left?”
Signed, the people who picked the bear.
I am a 50 year old woman. I keep thinking of how when I was growing up, it was mostly acknowledged (except for a few angry feminists that roamed college campuses) that we had won the feminist revolution. We were all happy and no longer felt the need to fight men anymore. Women were just as personally responsible for their failures or their successes in the workplace as any man. It was a nice little window of history. Women could become CEOs. Parents in the first world were just as likely if not moreso to expect their daughters to go to college, to pay for her college, to help her become a doctor or a lawyer or to see her even become a mechanic or an astronaut than they expected of her brother.
However, then came the women born maybe ten years after us. People say the divide between Boomers and Gen X or Gen X and Millennials is just another strategy to break us up, to divide us. It’s not. Noteworthy historical and cultural shifts happened in these time periods that sorted us in columns of completely different value sets. The parents of women a mere 5 to 10 years my junior may have still been Baby Boomers, but they were the hippie boomers, the early protest generation. Their mothers were more likely to have gone to college than to immediately become mothers. Their parents may have even been the same age as ours or were possibly 5 years younger than our parents, but had children ten years later. Their mothers were more likely also to have faced divorce than ours or at least, faced divorce much earlier than ours.
Dr. Patricia Allen, relationship guru to the stars wrote in the cover of her bestselling book, Getting To I Do that “The women’s movement brought us independence, but it did not bring us love.”
The generation ten years younger than me were raised by working moms who had some college. It was just enough to have been fed a steady stream of propaganda. They graduated with an understanding that the feminist movement was a (unquenchable) fight for every last man to be a good person and in which every last man must be subjugated to women, dominated by them, and/or emasculated before any victory could ever be accepted. Based on these parameters, no such movement could ever be won. Consequently, whether stated aloud or otherwise implied, these women were taught that they and all women would always be victims. Until men stopped having any among their ranks (half the population were held responsible for anyone with their shared physical traits) who were bad people, the battle of the sexes could never be won. This is the collectivism of the boogie man. It has escalated from there. Any man explaining stuff to women (a micro aggression) or spreading his legs when seated (also a micro aggression) may trigger an insatiable fear of men assaulting them with micro aggressions that over a lifetime of mentally noting each micro aggression and refusing to forgive or forget each one of these “evidences” stored in the memory bank added up to macro or aggressive aggressions in the minds of the self-identified “victims”.
Many women (and men) have had one single painful encounter at the hands of a man, and then held all men responsible for it.
This is the birthplace of the bear conundrum. It’s not based in logic or reason. It’s an ongoing escalation of an unhealthy perspective. It is so ingrained in the collective culture of the younger generation, unquestioned dogma, that most people under a certain age accept this set of bent perspectives as facts. “All men are responsible for bad ones by virtue of being born with a penis.” Well, if the bad man was white, would all white people be accountable for it? What if he was black? What if he/she was trans? What if it was a priest, and then would all Catholics be to blame? Would all women need to apologize for what took place in Mommy Dearest or Sybil?
You see how people start to attach irrationality to their fears and experiences when they don’t properly heal their relationship to the individual(s) directly at fault?
Sometimes, a perversion happens in which a person “forgives” that one man by telling herself that the perpetrator was a victim of a sick society in which men are all equally to blame for the transgression because men in general are ignorant, mindless dupes of the patriarchy to which they thoughtlessly adhere. Men just don’t understand the plight of women. If they could just understand the parameters of the patriarchy and become aware, women would never be hurt again, she thinks. This is not true forgiveness. This is a pardon of the boogie man while often scapegoating his nemesis.
The brain/ego does a lot of things to avoid evolution, growth and deep profound forgiveness. A victim identity is a hard crusty piece of shit that wraps around a person and which convinces the individual that this crust is salvation. It’s obvious to any onlooker that the shit will be washed away if they take a shower in forgiveness and opening the heart to send love out again. From the point of view of the infected, if the shell gets washed off she fears nothing will be left underneath it. She’s convinced she’d die along with her victim identity. No shell equals no protection. The ego is a real trickster. It doesn’t want change.
Anyway, nearly every single one of these people of a certain gender about 10 years my junior has unfortunately been steeped in this indoctrination. They are taught to blanket themselves in shit for protection against a male dominated society- whatever that means to them. Not only do they keep the battle of the sexes going but like, they seem to have a need to escalate it. They have made it as toxic as it can possibly be. They feel fully justified in lashing out at good people in retribution of their hurts. We have seemingly reached the pinnacle. Hopefully…
Jordan Peterson spitting defiant facts in the face of their unhealthy and irrational feelings is seen as a demon to them. They are quick to destroy other women who happen to disagree with them and thoughtlessly do so in the name of feminism. Laughably, this is all while saying that disagreement is an attack on women and is unsisterly behavior. You must assimilate. Many of these same victim-identified-persons struggle to hold down a relationship with a man. Others just cope with alcoholism or other drug abuse such as excessive consumption of marijuana or antidepressants - to the point of it being a sort of identity, a badge of honor. “Thank God for ______ without which I couldn’t cope with the escalation of the patriarchy.”
All of what my generation referred to as “angry feminists” (before “feminazi” was a common term) mothered many of their children into their own image and worse. The once “angry feminists” are now feminism light when compared to their prodigy. Each generation sees themselves as reasonable in contrast to the ragers of completely psychotic proportions that have come after them. Each generation is more indoctrinated than the last to seek out micro aggressions and evidence of an evil conspiracy of the patriarchy. The society does need an overhaul, but not the one many women envision.
The way things are going, men are likely to get angrier and/or start to fulfill some of these visions pictured by their mothers about men. MGTOW is just one such rebellion arising in response to the madness of modern feminism. Sickness fighting sickness. Likewise, many men have taken a “hero” stance toward mentally ill women and charge at their windmills for them, a la Don Quixote. We see this in men who sympathize with this bear bullshit. They will chase wind or windmill knowing full well it is of no threat to them personally. Male keyboard warriors coming out of the woodwork to attack the “heretic” women who challenge this victim narrative. As usual, verbal attacks, name calling and ad hominems against women who voice disagreement by even men is done in the name of “feminism.” Pretty obvious this is all done in a weak attempt to get attention or get laid. Yet, to any woman who notices “that’s just a windmill” or “the emperor is in his undies!” is automatically and ironically labeled “pick me bitch.” This is a way feminists sidestep a merit based conversation with women who disagree with them. Accuse the women of being misogynists desperate for the attention of men. No, I’m just old. Too old to give a shit about what men or women think of me noticing the facts of a situation.
Sorry for the rant. I’m just sick of the gaslighting and projection from unhealthy people being taken seriously.
How can anyone witness this with an iota of discretion and not see more of the same mass delusion psychosis stuff we saw during Covid? “You cite facts, you notice the truth, then you must want grandma dead.” Gotta stop noticing.
In the end, your viewpoint is accepted, but by this time, you’ve lost your house, your job and your children are cutting off their genitals and/or are chemically sterilized or castrated by the real toxic masculinity (no) femininity (that’s still not right, ah-) oligarchy thereby leading to the end of the lineage of sanity. Oh, and even though it’s currently accepted that what you were saying all along was the truth and that you were right, nO oNe cOuLd hAvE kNoWn tHaT, tHeN!!! And as such, you were endangering people for being right at risk of being wrong (even though you were well aware that there was no risk you were wrong). You stood up to an “unanimous consensus” of scientists and doctors (morons who opted out of thinking for 3 years consecutive no matter how stupid their recommendations became). Terribly insensitive of you to take that risk, unforgivably so.
What about the billions of people harmed under and by the delusioned masses?
What will become of the people harmed by unbridled delusional feminists?
Isn't it a little weird that "you've never experienced trauma!" is an insult meant to invalidate your perspective, given that a popular position these days is that everyone has experienced trauma which is causing them to behave in ways that are perverted relative to reality?
If someone doesn't have any trauma around men (which I don't, and I know how rare this is because of the work that I do, but I also know how much conditioning towards trauma there has been such that women are primed to absorb it, rather than what we were raised with, which was, basically, pardon me but, "fuck off asshole and find someone else to bother"), should that person's perspective be considered *healthier,* and therefore offer *more* clarity about reality?
Those Quixotic men who tilt at the windmills of madness drive me crazy. I suppose they speak and act to gain the approval of women. As recently as 10 years ago, a high school classmate replied to one of my posts explaining the real pay gap between the sexes in this country. He said, and I quote, "I will fight to the death to right this wrong." Uh, no you won't.