I recognize that I would rather have neighbors with whom I share a culture, but not a cocktail, over the opposite. I live in Maine. Maine people are some of the nicest anywhere. They are respectful, humble, honest-until all the Soros-driven indigency and inflows, you could leave your wallet on a park bench here. In my town, you still can.

But, then they vote. And, on the coast, they vote overwhelming for the most radical fascists you can imagine, many of whom are also “nice.” Angus King, “America’s Favorite Senator,” is my neighbor. And he’s a monster.

But not in person.

Just in politics.

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And maybe your culture isn’t as close as you would have thought. I think nice is overrated. I had a woke neighbor during Covid who was nice until she found out I was ancap. The anarchist part she didn’t love but it was the capitalist part that made her brain explode. She laid into me like I was a child and then stopped having anything to do with me and stopped allowing her non binary 5 year old grandson (how does that happen???) to play with my kids. Then we started getting complaints from the owners of the house we were renting and I knew she’d said something. In the end she was a liability to keep in our company as a nice person because her communism at the heart of her beliefs turned her into a brown shirt. So ironic. Where’s all the tolerance and acceptance when other people need it???

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Yes, when I say share a culture, I mean an actual culture - I'll take the Gadsen-flag flying fisherman over my Ivy League professor neighbors every time, but I don't always have a lot to talk about with the former.

The biggest psychic crisis for me during covid was realizing how very dangerous the latter neighbors were to me. We do not share a culture. Their acceptance of me is conditional on my submission to their ideology.

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Absolutely. If they can talk freely about their beliefs and you have to hide or apologize for yours, then you are not tolerated.

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