The community-creation aspect of home/unschooling has been, for me, the primary job I perform as a parent. At 17+, my elder son *does not know any girls!* Not literally; he knows a few, but there is no circle of eligible girls for dating, and it really bums his out. Add in his criteria for a mate, and the options get *really* thin. I know we will move (although he will be launched at that point) in the next several years, and, this time, I NEED to know there is a critical mass of people who share my values in the general area. I have good and real friends and have been so grateful to see the seeds of more in some of our online communities, but I want to make sure that I have that second derivative of a we-might-not-be-besties-but-you-won’t-put-me-in-a-boxcar bubble when I enter the next stage of my life.

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Oh, yeah, and bring the woo! Flower essences are the bomb!

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This is crucial- and I have been starting to have some real breakthroughs in terms of not deriving my sense of self worth from my accomplishments. Some stretching between the Super moons and the flower essences. Many revelations…

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This moon messed with my sleep even though I was camping and totally off-grid/out of service. I was restless, anxious, had disturbed dreams…I need a redo!

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